Sunday, October 25, 2009

Random Facts

So I was talking to my friend, Juanita, at work and was telling her how I had an idea to post random facts about me. Then I might actually have something to blog about... so this will be

random fact #1... (picture taken by Brianna Jensen)

I love shoes. Love them. This is an area where I excel at being a girl. I may not always be the most girly girl around, but when it comes to shoes, I'm 100% girly. One of my favorite stores is DSW. I'm so happy that we have one in Layton now, only 45 minutes away from shoe bliss. The best part about shoes? They don't judge you. Seriously, no matter where I am in life, whether I'm having a crappy day or a stupendous day, my shoes accept me just the same. In particular I love high heels. I will be the first to admit that I'm not very talented in walking in them. But I love the sound of them. Walking on cement, tile, wood floors, there is just something about that sound that makes me feel important, like I can conquer the world. I guess you can say that shoes are my form of chocolate.

But on that note, the other half of my random fact involving shoes... I don't particularly like to wear shoes... I know that is a total contradiction to everything I just wrote, but its a bit true. As soon as I walk in the door my shoes are off. And all summer long I'm a flip flop girl. I hardly ever wear shoes in the summer. Its not that shoes aren't comfortable, its just that my feet might suffer from seasonal claustrophobia. It's a hard life balancing the tomboy and the girly girl.


Unknown said...

Oh I love shoes too, but I get self conscious with the click clack of high heels, even though I love what they do for legs!!! But my form of chocolate has still got to be chocolate...

Pianojo said...

seasonal claustrophobia....I like that. Love the blog. For the record I think you balance things wuite nicely. luv ya

Melina said...

I can really relate to your love of shoes. I love high heels, but I have weak ankles so I can't wear them or I'll stumble and wobble everywhere. At present I wear one pair of black sneakers to work and everywhere else. That's it.

Anonymous said...

I totally love shoes too. That doesn't mean I buy them. But I'll randomly start looking at them all the time. They don't judge you. And they don't make you feel fat. And they're just awesome! Love it!

Bri said...

I still laugh about that crate full of shoes you brought with you for our photoshoot. I am glad you love shoes so much.