Sunday, October 25, 2009

Random Facts

So I was talking to my friend, Juanita, at work and was telling her how I had an idea to post random facts about me. Then I might actually have something to blog about... so this will be

random fact #1... (picture taken by Brianna Jensen)

I love shoes. Love them. This is an area where I excel at being a girl. I may not always be the most girly girl around, but when it comes to shoes, I'm 100% girly. One of my favorite stores is DSW. I'm so happy that we have one in Layton now, only 45 minutes away from shoe bliss. The best part about shoes? They don't judge you. Seriously, no matter where I am in life, whether I'm having a crappy day or a stupendous day, my shoes accept me just the same. In particular I love high heels. I will be the first to admit that I'm not very talented in walking in them. But I love the sound of them. Walking on cement, tile, wood floors, there is just something about that sound that makes me feel important, like I can conquer the world. I guess you can say that shoes are my form of chocolate.

But on that note, the other half of my random fact involving shoes... I don't particularly like to wear shoes... I know that is a total contradiction to everything I just wrote, but its a bit true. As soon as I walk in the door my shoes are off. And all summer long I'm a flip flop girl. I hardly ever wear shoes in the summer. Its not that shoes aren't comfortable, its just that my feet might suffer from seasonal claustrophobia. It's a hard life balancing the tomboy and the girly girl.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today was my wonderful mom's birthday, and I'm sure that she is going to be so happy that I'm posting pictures... he he he! The ladies that I work with at Walmart did a beautiful job in the cake, and it tasted oh so yummy (for those of you who didn't know, buttercream frosting is one of my favorite foods- and yes it counts as a food). We love you Mom! Happy Birthday!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


When asked about fall what do you think of? I think of two things, crunching leaves (one of my favorite sounds) and PUMPKINS! I love carving pumpkins. So when I was asked on a date to carve pumpkins, you bet I said yes! While they were all really cute pumpkins, mine and Wylie's was the best. Our redneck pumpkin turned out to look like Sloth from Goonies. I love the ears! And the teeth, Wylie came up with the teeth idea. The one next to it was a cute idea as well, the two people that made that pumpkin called it the "B" pumpkin because their names both started with B. It is cute! and the shapes are all B's. I never would have thought to do that!

And then we have the cute pig made by Darla and Darren, it turned out way cool! I never would have thought to do that one either! Guess I should stick to my photography skills for my creative outlet! It was the perfect way to get me in the fall mood, now I just want to go jump in the leaves!

If I lay here, If I just lay here, would you lay with me and just forget the world?

My most favorite band is hands down Snow Patrol, and I've been kicking myself for not going to their last two concerts here. So even though I had to drive to Provo I bucked up and bought the tickets and went. I have a really good concert buddy in Conly (believe it or not, he's really good to his little sister) and my friend Sarah, from work, and also my friend Callen came with us. I LOVED it! Sadly I knew every song, except for one which is new, its called Just Say Yes. And its so good, Snow Patrol has such a great sound that is uniquely theirs. And the lead singer is hilarious! A. They are from Ireland, so that makes me love them even more. and B. The dude is just random! During one of the slower songs people were waving their cellphones back and forth (because cellphones are the new lighters?), he looked out at the audience and said "You're cell phones look really funny... like little aliens... hello little aliens" and "We're very sorry to inform you that we have desecrated your tennis courts this morning. We are from Ireland, where it rains A LOT. Ever notice that there aren't any famous athletes from Northern Ireland? That is because it rains and we all stay indoors, and become musicians" I just thought it was funny that he said they desecrated the tennis courts with their playing. I have a bit of a crush on him now, so if any of you guys out there that might be reading this want to know how to get me to crush on you: 1. become Irish. 2. become a musician and form a band like Snow Patrol. 3. Make me laugh a lot. ... okay, step number three is the most attainable, I wont hold the rest against you. Normally I just see a band once, but I for sure will be seeing them again!

This one looks blurry, but this is what it really looked like. They were going for the shadow effect I guess. This is now the background on my phone!
Here's the snowflake. How could you have Snow Patrol without the snow flake? The last song they played is actually three songs they penned and combined into one. It has an animated video that goes along with it. Its called The Lightning Strike. I could only find a live version of it, but it was really cool, the perfect encore piece!

Friday, October 16, 2009

New Photo Blog

So it has come to my attention that it may be time to separate my blog from the photography(yes Brianna, I got the idea from you doing it), so I have created a new blog. Please keep checking this one, but it will be mainly the mundane events of my life. If you want to check out the photos click here!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So the other day, I was talking to a friend and we were talking about scarves... at the time I was thinking that they were a bit silly. Nay! I bought my first non-functional, purely "cute" scarf last night on a whim. I LOVE it!!! So I'm wearing it right now, just because I can! You know what I love about them? You can wear it with anything and it kind of dresses it up. Well maybe not sweats! So that is my post today, my silly silly post. So on that note I must appologize to the scarf community, I now understand the love.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Burtons!

I live by the CUTEST Family! Well, they are moving this week and I'm going to miss them. We did a family shoot last week and had so much fun, and I still can't believe how blue their little boy's eyes are!