Sunday, November 15, 2009

I miss warmth...

Dear Snow,

We can be friends on three conditions...

1. Stop being cold. 2. Be an element that people can drive in, 35 is not a speed I enjoy driving on the freeway. 3. Don't make it so the doors on my car and gas tank are frozen shut... it makes life very hard to get home and get gas. Work on those, and then we'll review your improvement.

Warmest Regards,


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Killer In Training.... KIT!

I just realized that I haven't posted anything about the new PUPPY!!! I don't know how I forgot to do such a thing! Well maybe it was more of watching the evil child so that she doesn't have an accident in the house... or bite off my toe! Yes she has a toe fettish. And as all small things are, she's cutest when she's sleeping. And she is a snuggler. Every night she falls asleep on someone's lap. She's a bit spoiled. And well... She's just plain stinking cute. All my good pictures are on my phone.
At the present moment Kit is two days shy of being 8 weeks old... and she is sassy! If you tell her not to do something she often retorts with a sound that is very similar to a little kid talking back. But we LOVE this puppy! This weeks newest thing with her is the laser pen. She chases the red dot all day long. I love it when she tries to bite at it and can't figure out why nothing is there. She's just cute! and I can't say that enough! She sounds like a lot of trouble, but apparently I love trouble then!

Random Fact #2

Well, kids, today's random fact is about how I eat candy... You can thank Dave at work for this one. I knew I did it, but this guy likes to tease me about how I eat. I'm pretty sure he would make fun of this.

Meg's Candy Eating Rule...

Candy that comes in small pieces that are of a variety of colors may not be eaten until it has been sorted. Yes, you heard that correctly. Sorted into colors... After that the rules depend on the mood of the day. Sometimes I eat all of one color (usually the color that has the least amount or if its sweethearts the green ones get eaten first because I don't like them), sometimes I eat them so that there are always equal amounts of each color...
I've pretty much always done this... I think there is a good chance that it was a learned thing from my mom, and also the small amount of OCD that runs in our family. I do slightly blame it on the movie "The Wedding Planner". Steve the doctor, when asked why he only eats the brown m&m's, replies," I figure they have less artificial flavoring because chocolate is already brown." That also helped prompt the sorting, brown m&m's usually get eaten first for that reason...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

So I found this cake mold... my dad is a fireman... I thought it fit. So he got a fireman cake. He should be used to such things. I swear for every Birthday and Christmas since I can remember we have given him something that has to do with firefighting. This is mostly the reason that we could probably make a Christmas village with just firehouses. Why buy the rest of the village if the firehouse is different than the ones you already have? We have an extra "fire safe" village. And no, I looked already, Walmart doesn't have a firehouse in their village collection this year. I'll just have to take my business elsewhere for that item. (Shh... don't tell Walmar that.)

Dad got to have a pretty relaxing day after church, he watched tv in his room for a bit, while Mom made us steak and mushrooms. (Well she made it for him, but I love it too...) He got a 3 ton jack and a monetary donation from Grandma. And, another dinner at the restaurant of his choice! What a lucky man!