Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dooms Day

DUN DUN DUN… Yesterday, was the day. And now I can’t walk, because I’m now a member of a gym, and I have a “personal trainer” her name is Jenn, she’s really my friend that lives by me. She’s the one that got me to sign up for a gym, so I did. And I loved it, and I whined. Boy did I whine, I haven’t lifted weights since high school, so when Jenn wanted me to do squats a cringed and whined like a baby the whole time! “You want me to do how many squats?!”

There is talk of running a half marathon in August… That is a long time away, probably plenty of time to get ready, but I don’t know how game I am for that. We’ll have to see how that works out later.

So yours truly is now one of those people that goes to the gym, and I love it! So lets see how in shape I can get now…

Does that mean I have to give up my nerds and powdered doughnuts?!

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Baby!

Yes, that is correct I got a new toy! A new laptop to be exact! So pretty, too! 17.3”, 500 gb hard drive, 4 gb ram. So amazingly beautiful! Perfect for editing pictures. So excited I could pee my pants, by I won’t, and I’m not going to apologize for saying that because I’m in love! And it has another great feature called windows live writer…which means… dun dun dun! I can write my blog from my desktop with out opening the internet browser, so for the lazy Joe like me it makes it easier and I might actually post once in a while! Hahaha… nice thought, eh?!

That’ll Leave a Mark!

So , funny story… Yesterday I got in my car to take some sugar cookies to my aunt, Cindy. Well apparently I was having an uncoordinated moment where carrying a plate of cookies and opening the car door was too much to concentrate on all at once (I was chewing gum, maybe that was the real downfall…)  I saw myself falling before I actually fell and all that was going through my mind was “SAVE THE COOKIES!!!” So what did it do? I threw them in the driver’s seat and slid as gracefully as one can on to the ice totally bruising my bottom ( I think I need to work on adding some more cushion to that bottom of mine… maybe lipo my tummy and thighs to my underside) I immediately started laughing, and laughed about it for the rest of the night. I did save the cookies, and no one, to my knowledge, saw. So now I have a bruised bottom and woke up with a random bruise on the back of my hand… I’m just going to attribute that to the fall… Is it possibly to get whiplash from falling on your butt on the ice?!