Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Picture Day!

So... I'm starting on a little photography business. Hopefully soon I will get a website up. But for now, I will post some of my recent work. If you know of anyone that would like their pictures done, portraits, family, engagements, anything I would love to do it for them! Contact me for a price list and we can get some options going for you!

Here's a recent shoot I did for my friend Stacy...

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Ball!!!

So a little while ago, my good friend Jeremy texted to taunt me that he was going to a ball... wait, not just a ball... a masquerade ball! So I in turn told him that I wanted to go and he was obliging and sent me the invite! Funny thing is, Jeremy and I were the only ones that really took the whole costume thing in to mind... (Stacy went with us, and had less than 24 hours notice to find something to wear, I think she did a pretty darn good job!) So after driving to Salt Lake we found ourselves in a "haunted" Baptist church... and yes there was a ghost tour and it was a bit too real for me! (especially in the catacombs, that was a bit too much for me, and I really felt that something didn't want us there). After that we just kind of chilled, played with Jeremy's sword (I wish I would have taken my camera in and got a shot of it!) and got some sweet pictures taken. And my mask totally kicked butt!!! Look at my freaking curly hair!!! hehe, it doesn't look like that very often!
Our sweet masks... made by yours truly! Yeah, I'm just that good.