Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dooms Day

DUN DUN DUN… Yesterday, was the day. And now I can’t walk, because I’m now a member of a gym, and I have a “personal trainer” her name is Jenn, she’s really my friend that lives by me. She’s the one that got me to sign up for a gym, so I did. And I loved it, and I whined. Boy did I whine, I haven’t lifted weights since high school, so when Jenn wanted me to do squats a cringed and whined like a baby the whole time! “You want me to do how many squats?!”

There is talk of running a half marathon in August… That is a long time away, probably plenty of time to get ready, but I don’t know how game I am for that. We’ll have to see how that works out later.

So yours truly is now one of those people that goes to the gym, and I love it! So lets see how in shape I can get now…

Does that mean I have to give up my nerds and powdered doughnuts?!

1 comment:

Kim said...

So does that mean you quit WII Fit?