Monday, April 7, 2008

Don't quit your day job...

To the girl with the phone upstairs,

Hello, I know that you are a very nice person and all, but I was just wondering if you are nocturnal. You see my room is directly below yours, and I hear your conversations every night, you know, the ones that last until 3 a.m. every night. Have you been introduced to sleep? If not, sleep is my friend I could make you an acquaintance. I guess the phone is better than the concert/clapping fest you have at least once a week. Is your boyfriend taking lessons? He might want a refund. Don't get me wrong I LOVE music, but not so much at 3 a.m. and not from a guy that can't sing a life performance worth beans...It's not so much fun then. Nada. If you need help getting to sleep Walmart does have some wonderful sleep aids.

Thank you, and goodnight, I'm going to find my earplugs.

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